  • Cemeteries
  • Jewish neighborhoods
  • Museums, exhibitions and memorials
  • Synagogue

Along with Santa Maria in Scolanova, the church of Sant’Anna (formerly Scola Grande) is the only one of Trani’s four synagogue buildings to have survived. Like the others it was converted into a church, initially dedicated to Santi Quirico e Giovita, and later to Sant’Anna. An inscription commemorates the construction of the original synagogue in 1246-47: “In the year five thousand and seven after Creation, this sanctuary was built by a group friendly with the congregation, with a high, decorated cupola and a window to let in daylight, and new doors for closing it, the floor placed on it, and seats for the choir members. May his mercy be remembered before He who lives in the splendid heavens”. The square-plan church preserves the original external wall structure, and is still topped by a large intrados dome set into a wide octagonal lantern tower.

Today, this building houses the Jewish Art Section of the Diocesan Museum of Trani. It displays relics, accounts and documents on the town’s Jewish history.

Via la Giudea, 24 – 76125 Trani

For information and visits
Tickets can be purchased at the Trani Polo Museale
Piazza Duomo, 5
Info and advance booking (compulsory for groups):
Tel. +39 0883 582470
E-mail info@fondazioneseca.it