  • Cemeteries
  • Jewish neighborhoods
  • Museums, exhibitions and memorials
  • Synagogue

The presence of Jews in Alghero has been well documented since Alfonso of Aragon conquered the city in 1323. The expedition was funded by the Kingdoms of Aragon, Valencia, Catalonia and by the King of Majorca, as well as by Jews and specifically the Carcassonas. A branch of the family settled in Alghero. Jews from Catalonia as well as from Majorca and Provence arrived in the wake of the army. They enjoyed great freedom and contributed to the economic development of the city. The Jewish community was socially very mixed, with professionals and craftsmen, coral workers, tailors, carpenters, traders and the traditional money lenders. Inter-community cohabitation was based on mutual acceptance. Financially the Carcassonas were especially important, so much so that their building was used as a Royal Abode at the time of the 1492 expulsion. It can be seen to this day, in via Sant’Erasmo 13, a lane just opposite the entrance to the Cathedral. Part of the family converted at the time of the Expulsion while many others left the island. Currently Palazzo de Carrion, formerly Palazzo Carcassona, is one of the city’s listed buildings. It was built in the Catalan Gothic 15th century style; decorative panels with late Liberty motifs were added in the 20th Century.

Via Sant’Erasmo, 12 – 07041 Alghero (Sassari)